OPE Market Data

The Largest OPE Markets Database Developed by:

Constellation Dealership Software companies, Ideal, c-Systems and Charter, have developed the largest database of dealership transactional sales, inventory position and task completion information in the outdoor power equipment (OPE) market.

Drawing from over 1,500 dealers on a nightly basis, this data warehouse is the largest, most accurate source for dealership and market year-over-year trending information in the industry.


  • The report is based on a group of dealers who have reported their data over the previous three years.
  • The dealer count, wholegood unit sale count, and total sales numbers above show the actual number of dealers and total sales being analyzed.
  • The graph and analysis on the following pages is based on a smaller “same store” group of dealers who have submitted data each month for three years in a row.
  • The report is showing data from combined sales of parts in all departments, wholegood sales and service repairs.
  • The report is showing a year over year average with a yellow line indicating the current year performance over the previous year.


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monthly industry reports:




Dealer Count


New Wholegood Units


Total Sales

Monthly Revenue and Growth
Over Previous Year
1095 Same Store OPE Dealers

Monthly Revenue Growth
by Region

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